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2021 Annual Report

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Michelle McDaniel,

Chief Executive Officer


a note from our CEO


Dear Friends of Crisis Connections,

As the COVID-19 pandemic continued, so did its devastating impact on the economic and emotional health of our community members. Crisis Connections staff and volunteers met the moment by reducing the emotional distress of the over 1,600 people each day that reached out to us for help across Washington State.

Dear Friends of Crisis Connections, The reality is that the harmful impacts of the pandemic are felt most by marginalized and underserved populations. In 2021, 99% of callers to our King County 2-1-1 Information & Referral Program were low- income, 63% were people of color, 28% identified as homeless, 45% identified as disabled, and 61% had children in the house – of which 70% of those were single parents. To ensure all Crisis Connections services are accessible they are 100% free, translation is available in over 150 languages, and many of our programs offer text and chat options. As the loss of routine, uncertainty about the future and ideological divides continue, the unprecedented need for behavioral health support during the pandemic has significantly outpaced available providers. As a result, in 2021 our crisis lines experienced a minimum of 25% increase in calls, with increasing portions of the community using our services regularly as ongoing support because they know we are available and answering calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Since 1964, Crisis Connections has been there to intervene during a crisis, prevent the next crisis and provide support after a crisis has occurred. With you as part of the Crisis Connections community, we can continue to fulfill our mission of helping lives on the line. To contact me directly with any questions, you can reach me at: With gratitude, Chief Executive Officer

prevention services

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youth contacted us for support or resources

calls for support or resources surrounding substance use

calls for support or resources surrounding an emotional or mental health challenge

basic needs and covid information

Click the heart to read the latest news articles featuring crisis connections


intervention services

calls to the king county
crisis line

calls to the 2020
crisis line expansion

total crisis line calls

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postvention services

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cc cares packages


people reached out to crisis connections
Call Center Renton Photo
times crisis connections helped prevent crises with prevention and postvention services
times crisis connections helped intervene during a crisis
calls answered by KC 211 on covid-19 hotline

I can’t believe I get all of these referrals for free. It’s almost like I’m stealing!

~211 caller

my feelings were validated. I knew how to approach my situation and safely navigate covid by the end of the call  

~crisis line caller

the presenter was very kind, open, and nonjudgmental.

~youth receiving training

you all are heroes! Thank you for your composure and compassion. You saved my day!!

~211 caller

we are proud of our teams for their deep commitment to keeping the lines open and offering support to our community in its most difficult moments, even when they may have been worried about their own safety.

~ Jonass Placitis

24-hour crisis line volunteer coordinator


trainings held
youth suicide prevention curriculum: riding the waves, look listen link, H.E.L.P.
adults received training

volunteer services

active volunteers

302: 24-hour crisis line volunteers
72: teen link volunteers
20: wa warm line volunteers
23: cc cares volunteers

revenue: $
united way
program services fees
expenses: $

with special thanks

special thanks to our event sponsors

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thank you to our supporters

2021 executive leadership

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michelle mcdaniel

chief executive officer

gregg browngoetz,

senior director of information technology systems

neil olson,

sr. director of clinical operations

cheryl cooper,

chief financial officer

scott stryker

senior director of human resources

aundrea jackson

senior director of contact center operations

lauren rigert,

senior director of development & community relations / interim king county 2-1-1 director

2021 board of trustees

david johnson


john b. engber

vice president

larry litte,


angela cronin


melissa marsh

sierra ranier

michael rubbinaccio