Washington Teen Link

Teen Link is a confidential and anonymous help line for teens. Trained teen volunteers are available to talk with you about any issue of concern. No issue is too big or too small!
Talk with Fellow Teens
We also provide immediate language interpretation in more than 155 languages.
Get Help
If you have a friend who tells you he or she is thinking of killing themself, take that person seriously and most importantly, be a good listener. Don’t keep a secret that may end a life. Tell a trusted adult if you believe a friend is considering suicide. By calling Teen Link, you will always reach someone who can help figure out how to get help for your friend.
“Teen Link is an open place where you learn about yourself while helping others. Everyone feels a little lonely at times; joining Teen Link is like [having] a non- judgmental friend always willing to listen.”
- Daniel, Teen Link Volunteer

Teen Link also provides youth suicide prevention training in middle schools, high schools and youth serving organizations in King County. Each year teen volunteers and staff train more than 6,000 youth to recognize the signs of suicide and how to get help! Call or email us to arrange for training.
Thank you to our funding partners: King County Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Levy, United Way of King County, City of Seattle and the following cities: Auburn, Bellevue, Burien, Covington, Des Moines, Federal Way, Issaquah, Kenmore, Kirkland, Redmond, Sammamish, Shoreline and Tukwila.
Teen Link is nationally accredited by International Council for Helplines.