24-Hour Crisis Line

The 24-Hour Crisis Line provides immediate help to individuals, families, and friends of people in emotional crisis. We can help you determine if you or your loved one needs professional consultation and we can link you to the appropriate services. We are a primary source for linking residents to emergency mental health services in King, Pierce, Clark, Skamania, Klickitat, Grant, Okanogan, Chelan, and Douglas Counties.
Call if you, or someone you know, are experiencing:
- Anxiety or loneliness
- Family or relationship difficulties
- Symptoms of mental illness
- Loss of a job
- Health concerns
- Abuse
- Alcohol or drug abuse
- Thoughts of suicide
Call us for help 24/7
King County Mobile Rapid
Response Crisis Team
King County Local
Response Crisis Team
King County Local
We provide immediate language interpretation in more than 155 languages.
Know your rights
Client rights
Volunteering at the 24-Hour Crisis Line is an excellent opportunity for fulfillment while serving my community.
- Crisis Line Phone Worker