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Youth Suicide Prevention Curriculum Order Form

RIDING THE WAVES - Lessons for Identifying & Coping with Stress for Elementary School

Developmentally appropriate for 5th grade students and taught by elementary school counselors. Lessons address healthy emotional development, depression, and anxiety. This curriculum’s overarching goal is to build the emotional skills within children to prevent suicide at its earliest stages.

LOOK LISTEN LINK - Suicide Prevention Curriculum for Middle School

An evaluated, classroom-based prevention curriculum geared for students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. It aims to teach students not only facts about stress, anxiety, depression, and suicide prevention, but also practical life skills to help a friend who may be struggling with these issues.

H.E.L.P. (Helping Every Living Person) - Suicide Prevention Curriculum for High School

An evaluated classroom curriculum appropriate for students in 9th, 10th, and 11th grades. Topics include stress and healthy coping skills, depression and its impact on teens’ lives, the causes and warning

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    How many of each curriculum would you like?
    Riding the Waves:
    Look Listen Link:

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